Lupin Casino Responsible Gaming Policy

At Lupin Casino, we are deeply committed to promoting responsible gaming and minimizing the risks associated with gambling addiction. This policy outlines our comprehensive approach to responsible gaming, including measures in place to assist our clients in making informed decisions about their gambling behavior. 

Excessive gambling can pose risks to individuals. Some symptoms that may indicate problematic gambling behavior include: 

  1. Preoccupation with gambling – persistent thoughts about gambling and experiencing a strong urge to gamble. 
  2. Overspending – spending more time and money on gambling than originally intended. 
  3. Loss of interest – losing interest in activities and hobbies that were once enjoyed due to excessive gambling. 
  4. Continued gambling despite negative consequences – disregarding financial problems or relationship issues caused by gambling. 
  5. Chasing losses – attempting to recover previous gambling losses by gambling even more. 
  6. Deception and secrecy – lying to friends, family, or coworkers about gambling habits. 
  7. Escaping through gambling – using gambling to escape problems or relieve stress. 
  8. Financial desperation – resorting to borrowing money or selling possessions to fund gambling. 
  9. Neglecting responsibilities – failing to fulfill work, school, or family obligations due to excessive gambling. 
  10. Emotional disturbances – experiencing anxiety, irritability, or restlessness when not engaged in gambling activities. 

It’s important to note that not everyone who gambles excessively will experience all these symptoms, and that the presence of one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily indicate a gambling addiction. However, if someone is experiencing multiple symptoms and it’s affecting their daily life, it’s recommended that they seek help from a healthcare professional. 

Restrictions and Controls: 

We offer a range of controls and restrictions to assist clients in managing their gambling behavior. These include: 

  • Setting deposit limits 
  • Time-out periods: Temporary self-exclusion options allowing clients to take a break from gambling for a specific duration. 
  • Self-exclusion options: Clients can request long-term or permanent self-exclusion from our platform. 

We encourage clients to proactively engage with these controls and restrictions. Our customer service team is readily available to address any inquiries or concerns related to responsible gaming. 

Responsible Marketing: 

Our marketing activities are designed to be socially responsible and are in line with industry codes of conduct. We do not target individuals who are under the legal age for gambling or who have requested self-exclusion. 

For further information and support on responsible gaming, we recommend accessing resources provided by reputable organizations such as: 

  • National Council on Problem Gambling ( 
  • Gamblers Anonymous ( 
  • Gambling Therapy ( 

At Lupin Casino, we are committed to promoting responsible gaming and reducing the risks associated with gambling addiction. We encourage our clients to use the controls and restrictions we have in place to manage their gambling behavior and to seek support if they are concerned about their gambling behavior. 

Under-Age Gaming Policy 

At Lupin Casino, we take our responsibilities towards preventing under-age gaming very seriously. It is illegal for individuals under the legal age for gambling to participate in any form of online gaming, and we have a zero-tolerance policy towards under-age gaming on our platform. 

Verification Process: 

We require all clients to verify their age during the account registration process. We also regularly verify clients’ age to ensure that our platform is not being used by under-age individuals. 

Closing Under-Age Accounts: 

If we become aware that an individual under the legal age for gambling is using our platform, we will close their account immediately. Any winnings will be removed, and the individual will not be able to access our platform in the future. 

Responsible Marketing: 

We do not target individuals who are under the legal age for gambling in our marketing activities. 

At Lupin Casino, we are committed to preventing under-age gaming and ensuring that our platform is only used by individuals who are of the legal age for gambling. We encourage our clients to assist us in this effort by verifying their age and reporting any instances of under-age gaming to our customer support team. 

Deposit Limits

Players are offered the option of setting their deposit limits lower on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. This is done by limiting individual deposit methods. If a player would like to lower their deposit limit, they should contact out 24/7 Customer Service team, and it will be implemented within one business day. Limiting deposits is a tool to enjoy gaming within personal limits, but limits are not guaranteed.

Any request to subsequently raise deposit limits is subject to a 24 hour waiting period.